Revolutionize your Breeds with AxiePlus

Save time and money while improving the quality of your Axies.

Axie 1
Axie 2
Axie 2

AxiePlus, the Most Advanced Breeding Calculator on the Market

Experienced Breeders

Your breeding experience takes on a new dimension with AxiePlus. Focus on analyzing data and making decisions, while our versatile and precise tool does the heavy lifting.

Beginner Breeders

New to the world of breeding? AxiePlus guides you every step of the way. Learn to make smart decisions and become a successful breeder with our intuitive tool.


Key Benefits of AxiePlus

Time Saving

Find the Axies to achieve perfect breeding combinations in minutes, not hours.

Increased Accuracy

Calculate the exact probability of getting the desired Axies.


Work with Axies manually loaded, brought from a wallet, or searched from the market.

Improve Quality

Analyze advanced genetics and make smart decisions to improve quality in future offspring.


Explore the features

Versatile Part Selection

Streamline criteria loading with multiple methods:
  • Enter an Axie ID to take its parts.
  • Use the MarketPlace URL to speed up the search.
  • Access previously saved searches in AxiePlus.
  • Manually select any part you want.
Combine these methods according to your needs for a personalized experience.
Selección de Partes

AxiePlus finds the ideal Axies for you

Optimize your process by allowing AxiePlus to automatically select Axies from your wallet or the Marketplace, based on your criteria. Combine these methods to tailor your search to your needs.

If you prefer, you can also manually enter Axies, either by typing them in manually or by copying and pasting them from anywhere you have saved them.
Part Selection

Instant Analysis, Precise Results

AxiePlus processes your selection criteria and generates all possible combinations of your Axies, providing precise results at any time.

This initial analysis offers an ordered view, highlighting the quality, the price or the best price-quality ratio. And that's just the beginning. You can refine the results even further with additional and custom filters, taking your analysis to the next level.
Selección de Partes

Detailed Refinement and Personalization

AxiePlus allows you to go beyond the initial analysis. Use additional filters to further refine your search and discover combinations that fit your needs exactly.

In addition, you can work with each pair of Axies individually, analyzing all the possibilities in a personalized way. With AxiePlus, you have total control to explore and discover the best breeding strategies.
Selección de Partes

Advanced Genetics at Your Fingertips

AxiePlus offers you the possibility to delve deeper into your Axies' advanced genetics. You can learn the probability of an Axie inheriting the D, R1, R2 genes, combinations of the same or none.

This detailed information allows you to make more informed and strategic decisions in your breeding process, maximizing your chances of success.
Selección de Partes

Feature Comparison

Versatile and Quick Part Selection for Breeding
Save and Load Search Criteria
Bidirectional Connection with the Market via URLs
Manually Load Multiple Axies for Analysis
Mark Axies as favorites and analyze them separately
View All Possible Axie Combinations
View Full Genetics of an Axie
See Exact Probability of Getting the Desired Breed
Possibility to Analyze Pair with Custom Filter
Breed Cost Estimation
Suggestion of Offspring Quantity
Sort by Best Combinations and Various Criteria
Automatically Search Axies from Your Wallet
View Advanced Genetics of a Pair
See Exact Probability of Results for Tree
Filter Combinations by Desired Percentages
Automatically Search Axies from the MarketPlace
1 USDC c/u
1 USDC c/u

Experiences from our users

I've tried many tools for breeding, but none come close to this one. It's a must-have if you're a breeder.
Thanks to AxiePlus tools, I was able to find the best combination to breed Axies that I couldn't find in the market, and thus I was able to complete my #AxieDex.
Pro Player
Since I discovered this tool, I dared to breed my own meta. The first time I dared, the first time I won an era!.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is breeding in Axie Infinity?

Breeding is the process of crossing two Axies to obtain a new one.

As Axies are part of the Ronin blockchain, breeding can also be seen as a way to "mint" new NFTs. This minting incurs a cost in SLP and AXS that varies depending on the number of breeds each Axie has had. The maximum number of breeds per Axie is 7.

What is the cost of breeding?

The cost of breeding consists of two types of tokens: SLP (utility token) and AXS (governance token).
The cost in AXS is constant, always being 0.5 AXS per breed. However, the cost in SLP varies depending on the number of breeds the selected Axies have already had. Here is a table with the SLP costs based on the number of breeds:
For example, if both parents have 0 breeds, the total cost would be 1800 SLP + 0.5 AXS.

It should be noted that these values can be adjusted by the developers, although they generally remain stable.

How can I calculate the probability of getting a specific Axie?

The probability of getting a specific Axie in Axie Infinity is calculated based on the genetics of the parents.
La genética de un Axie está dividida en tres partes: Dominante (D), Recesivo 1 (R1) y Recesivo 2 (R2). Cada uno de estos genes contribuye a la genética del nuevo Axie en diferentes proporciones:
  • D: Contributes 37.5% to the genetics.
  • R1: Contributes 9.375% to the genetics.
  • R2: Contributes 3.125% to the genetics.
Since calculating these proportions can be complex, it is recommended to use a breeding calculator like AxiePlus to simplify the process and obtain accurate results.

How is the probability of the recessive genes an Axie will inherit calculated?

Unlike dominant genes, the selection process for recessive genes is based on a sequence of part selection where a coin flip is first made between the Axies, and then there is a probability that the selected gene belongs to that Axie.
A gene that has already been selected in the process is discarded for future selections of the next recessive gene.

The Premium version of the tool solves all these calculations not just for one gene, but for the entire search criteria, allowing you to identify which pairs may be useful for continuing the tree.

What are mutations and what is their probability?

A mutation is a gene that is not inherited from the parents' genetics but appears out of nowhere.

Gene mutations can only occur in recessives (R1 and R2) and never in dominants.

The probability of this happening is 10% per part and per gene, meaning there is a 10% chance that each recessive gene may mutate. Therefore, it is less likely that a large number of genes will mutate simultaneously than that only one will.

What is the difference between a breed "for playing" and one "for tree" in the calculator?

An Axie is said to be "for playing" when the desired genetics are found in the dominants, and an Axie is "for breeding" trees when the obtained genetics allow you to continue seeking breeds in new generations.Se dice que un Axie es "para jugar" cuando la genética buscada se encuentra en los dominantes y un Axie es "para árbol" cuando la genética obtenida te permite continuar buscando breeds en nuevas camadas.

The calculator by default shows the probability of getting a playable Axie, while the Premium version considers both options and allows you to sort the results from best to worst..

How do I load the filters or search criteria in the calculator?

The AxiePlus calculator has multiple ways to load search criteria and adapts to each person's needs.

If you are interested in breeding an existing Axie, you can use its ID to preload the desired parts.

If you're searching the Market and can't find the Axie you need or the price is too high, you can use that same URL to import the parts into our calculator.

If you want to add parts or build the search from scratch, you can select them manually.

All these filters can be saved for later use.

Can I analyze multiple Axies simultaneously?

Yes, with this calculator you can manually load a list of many Axies or even automatically search for them from the Market or bring them from a Wallet with the Premium version.

The calculator will perform all possible combinations and determine which are the best breeds to do based on the criteria you previously selected.

In addition, each pair can be analyzed in detail in case there are elements you hadn't previously considered.

How do I analyze combinations in the calculator?

If you have already loaded a search criterion, the parts of that criterion will be displayed with a border to better understand what percentage each represents in the combination.

At the bottom of the pair, the real and total percentages of obtaining the expected result will be displayed.

Additionally, you can click to select the parts of the pair to see the possibility of expanding the criteria and creating a custom one on the spot. This is very important for deciding which pair to select for breeding.

What is the difference between the free and premium versions of AxiePlus?

Both versions of the AxiePlus calculator are comprehensive and allow for thorough Axie analysis.

The free version offers all the essential tools for analysis, while the premium version adds time-saving features such as searching for Axies directly from the MarketPlace or a Wallet, and the ability to see the advanced genetics of a combination, with the option to further filter the results to narrow down the number of pairs to analyze.

These additional features in the premium version make the process even more efficient and personalized.

Is it safe to connect my wallet to AxiePlus?

Sí, conectar tu wallet a AxiePlus es completamente seguro. AxiePlus nunca te pedirá tu frase semilla ni tu clave privada. Todas las interacciones que puedan ocurrir con la wallet requieren una firma, al igual que cuando usas el marketplace oficial de Axie Infinity. Puedes estar seguro de que tu información y tus activos están protegidos.

Can I use AxiePlus on different devices?

While it is possible to use the tool on any device, we recommend doing so from a computer since the entire process of selection, loading, analysis, and decision-making requires concentration. The higher the resolution and the more elements you can view simultaneously, the easier and more comfortable the process will be.

Does AxiePlus offer support or assistance in case of problems?

Yes, you can contact us through our social media or directly on our Discord server, both links can be found in the footer of this page.

Is there any limit to the number of breeding analyses I can do with AxiePlus?

There are no limits on the number of analyses. The more Axies you analyze simultaneously, the higher the resource demand on the tool.

How can I provide feedback or suggestions to improve AxiePlus?

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. You can send us your ideas through our social media or directly on our Discord server, both links can be found in the footer of this page.


Axie Plus
Axie Plus